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A name stands for the strategy
¡@In fact, it is the name itself: Electroacustic. This is because the basic principle of the company, added value from ELAC, stands for engineering ingenuity, which constantly produces top performance at ELAC. This element has distinguished ELAC ever since the company was first founded back in 1926. And it still applies to this day. In the process, we have very specific ideas about how we develop and produce our speakers. They must satisfy the exacting standards we set ourselves. In this regard, it is about acoustics - as the name already suggests, about realistic sound. Authenticity. Adding nothing, leaving nothing out. It is all about quality, about longevity and reliability. And of course about fascination.
¡@The result? Exceptional speakers for hi-fi stereo and surround applications, sophisticated PC speakers and other applications for electro-acoustic transducer systems in unsurpassed sound, technical and visual quality.
¡@The particular characteristic of ELAC engineers is that they are never satisfied. They improve on what already exists and invent new things if these do not already exist. To achieve this, they can draw upon in-house transducer technology and their more than 20 years of expertise in room acoustics. This forms the basis for the high sound and musical quality of the speakers, with models ranging from entry-level equipment to high-end devices.
¡@The speaker specialists from Kiel rely on the success factors ¡§innovation¡¨ and ¡§quality¡¨, and pursue a strategy of ongoing technological development within the company. One premise is achieving the greatest possible sound from the smallest possible design. This leads to the creation of compact speakers, carefully crafted on the basis of the ELAC engineers' sheer passion for technology.
Made in Germany
¡@Made in Germany Most of our loudspeakers are handcrafted in Kiel. We only use driver units produced by or only for ELAC. ELAC's know-how is protected by many patents. Every process is based on 100% inspections and a zero-error strategy, in the best traditions of ¡§Made in Germany¡¨.
The customer's rule
¡@ELAC is entirely directed by the customer's satisfaction. Naturally, this also includes quality management management according to ISO 9001:2000. ELAC quality encompasses all production steps, but also the sales procedures and after sale service. Part of this is technical consult by specialists as well as warranty services.
¡@Development and production under the same roof secure coordination of even the smallest detail. For this, the highly vertically integrated production at ELAC is a major prerequisite. Every working step, from punching the voicecoil formers and winding the voicecoils up to special treatments of membranes and the production of magnets, is executed within the strictest tolerances. Before the next step, the results are checked through adequate measurements.
¡@The Schleswig-Holstein enterprise employs approx. 50 colleagues in Kiel plus 12 salesmen in Germany and 5 salesmen in specific countries, besides the representatives in numerous foreign countries. About 40 % of the annual gross sales are covered by export. Apart from the ¡§ELAC traditional markets¡¨, China, Taiwan, and Japan, the fastest growing export market is Russia, where quality ¡§Made in Kiel¡¨ is highly appreciated.
¡@In Germany, ELAC products are sold only by authorised dealers. A consistent European distribution system with EU contracts ratified in Brussels guarantees a clean marketing. ELAC is represented by various agents throughout the world, who follow the same distribution concept.