2009 創造絕佳的完美
我們的研發團隊已經將我們最優秀的音訊產品進一步提升至更卓越的境地,因此現在他們開始著手創造視訊輸出的完美。看看我們的最新產品,CHORD MEDIA ENGINE,您就能清楚地明白我所說的意思。
Chord Electronics was founded in 1989 by John Franks who had previously held Directorships with Astec, the world leader in high frequency power supplies, Raytheon and AT&T.
A thorough mix of graduate level intellect, design experience and dedicated craft persons embody Chords production team, with our sales being achieved through a reputation of technical excellence, reliability and superb sound quality.
Years of research and innovation have been invested in the Chord range. From the outset, when Chord started applying the technologies that lifted products from the mainstream, the company has been leading the field.
With the watchwords of innovation and uncompromised audio quality, we have consistently invested our products with precision engineering and attention to detail.
This is as true for our professional products as the astonishing hi-fi portfolio that continually wins the hearts and minds of listeners and reviewers alike.