美國Hi-End音響品牌Balanced Audio Technology一般簡稱為「BAT」,由Steve Bednarski與Victor Khomenko共同創立,1995年的冬季CES是BAT的開山作品VK-5前級與VK-60首度現身的場合。
Welcome to Balanced Audio Technology. Thanks for stopping by.
The people here share your passion for music. The company's founders, Steve Bednarski and Victor Khomenko, grew up half a world apart, but both were captivated early by the magic of recorded sound. They met as adults, having established successful careers at high-tech leader Hewlett-Packard. As experienced audio enthusiasts, they became increasingly convinced that they could produce components that sounded better than anything commercially available. Balanced Audio Technology was formed to make that conviction a reality.
BAT's first two products, the VK-5 line stage and the VK-60 power amplifier, were launched at the 1995 Winter Consumer Electronic Show. They generated tremendous excitement among the audiophiles, dealers, and journalists present. Since then we have been gratified by the continued support shown by customers and reviewers worldwide (See, for example, the review by Robert Deutsch in Stereophile, Vol. 18, no. 12, Dec. 1995).
The name Balanced Audio Technology refers to more than just our use of balanced circuits. It reflects our commitment to overall excellence. We bring the same uncompromising standards to every aspect of engineering--from circuit conception to vibration control and parts placement--as well as to visual design, customer service, and dealer support.
In our web site you'll find more details about our design philosophy. You'll also find guided tours of our products and white papers explaining how those products were conceived and constructed, along with many other features.
In the end, though it all comes back to music. We attend concerts whenever we can and wherever we travel. Music inspires us, keeps us striving to improve our products, and rewards us--as it rewards our customers. We have customers throughout the world who call us to share their excitement after listening to music on their new BAT systems. That's the best reward of all.
Enjoy the web site. We look forward to hearing from you.